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Dr. Alveda King
Dr. Alveda C. King works toward her purpose in life, to glorify God. Dr. King currently serves as a Pastoral Associate and Director of African-American Outreach for Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries. She is also a voice for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, sharing her testimony of two abortions, God’s forgiveness, and healing. 2021 最新注册美国区 Apple ID 教程 | 积木别倒:2021-3-19 · 网页显示的是中文没有关系,不会影响我伞注册美区Apple ID,只需要你在后续设置时IP地址在美国即可。 你也可伡直接访问apple官网,当你的IP地址在美国,默认访问的就是美国apple官网,或者你也可伡手动切换到苹果美国官网。 Dr. King is a former college professor and served in the Georgia State House of Representatives. She is a best selling author; among her books are How Can the Dream Survive if we Murder the Children? and I Don’t Want Your Man, I Want My Own. She is an accomplished actress and songwriter. The Founder of King for America, Inc., Alveda is also the recipient of a Doctorate of Laws degree from Saint Anselm College and sits on the Board of Georgia Right to Life.Dr. King lives in Atlanta, where she is the grateful mother of six Printer-friendly version of Alveda's Bio in pdf format To arrange a media interview, emailmedia@priestsforlife.orgor call 888-735-3448, ext. 251. To invite Alveda King to speak in your area, contact our SpeakersBureau at 888-735-3448, ext. 258; Fax: 718-980-7191;